Once again the Chesapeake weather gods were on our side...this past saturday was our first all day Great Circle Tour of the year...a trip that takes in 10 of the Bays northern lights with a stop at Tolchester for lunch.
We ran south to Sharps Island Light first and then headed north up the bay with the tide and wind in our favor...took in a nice meal at Tolchester Marine and then headed back south...just in time to catch both a wind and tide change...
The sailing activity at the along the Western shore was vigorous..and beautiful as always...while shipping traffic was lighter than some days we did get to see a few of the tugs pushing up the Bay and one or two commercial freighters.
We had a fantastic group of folks join us...lots of good questions and loads of smiles...hoping to get pictures from some of them to share here with all of you !
Many thanks to all of our passengers who made the day so much fun...
Captain Mike