Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunset and Great circle Trips June 25 & 26 2010

Yet another terrific weekend out on the Chesapeake Bay. We are still early in the season and have already had the opportunity to meet so many great folks on board the boat...

Friday night we had the privilege of celebrating an 89th birthday...actually 2 of them ...twin brother and sister..89 years young...and they were treated to a beautiful sunset as part of their birthday trip!

Saturday brought us to our first Great Circle trip of the 2010 all day trip to see 10 of the Northen Chesapeake Lights...the weather was beautiful...

winds out of the south kept everyone on the foredeck cooled off with ample spray..and they were all great sports about the salt water spa treatment! The camera equipment brought on board was quite impressive...We look forward to some of the pictures

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Local Boyscouts brave the Bay

A few pics of our tri-light trip June 22, 2010 with the local boyscouts....All passed muster!

June 2010

The weeks have flown by this month. Fantastic trips so far with equally fantastic passengers. The Friday evening sunsets have been a fun addition to our schedule. Mother nature doesn't always cooperate but we have had some spectacular colors with super photo ops.

We have done several Passage has held out for all , although we did have one or two trips with vigorous seas , lots of spray and 2' - 3' waves rolling up The Bay from the South. We always say that our trips can quickly change from a level 1 on the water adventure to level 4!
We also had a wonderful private charter booked to celebrate a and friends spent the day on The Passage Trip with prime weather, lots of food and adult time! It was a pleasure to help them make the occassion.

This past Tuesday we took out one of the locl boyscout troops, burgeoning Eagle Scouts. Mother nature gifted them with a real work out...winds out of the South and a very wet ride on the bow...these kids all passed muster...soaked to the skin and laughing all the way up and back..

Looking forward to our first 10 light Great Circle trip this coming Saturday...always good to get back up to the top of the Bay.

2010 Tshirts and hats on order and should arrive soon.

We still have available space on our August Southern Expedition trips...our maximum adventure...

Look forward to seeing you aboard!

The Captain

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day weekend 2010

Much thanks to all of our enthusiastic passengers this past weekend! It was great to get out on the water to celebrate this, the first official weekend of our 2010 summer season.

We started our holiday with a sunset excursion on Friday evening...mother nature wasn't very cooperative on the actual sunset end of things but we did get our 'adventure ' on the return south as the wind picked up and the seas grew vigorous.

Saturday brought us some beautiful sunshine and a great Tri-light trip ...lots of shipping traffic on the Bay.

Sunday beat all with amazing summer temperatures and a full day of sun and spray..we ran with 16 passengers on our Passage Trip, taking in 5 of our local historic lights. The Bay was alive with sailing traffic and loads of people enjoying the holiday weekend...

All in all a terrific start to the 2010 summer season.